About us
The HUMAN LANGUAGE ENGINEERING LABORATORY represents the initiative of several researchers and members of the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, within the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, Technical University of Moldova.
The Laboratory functions as a research centre, without legal personality, financially supported by the state and/or by research contracts signed with private or state-owned institutions and bodies from Moldova or abroad.
The LILU wants to increase the awareness for the commercial potential of language technology and to contribute actively to transfer language technology knowledge and tools from the academic to the industrial sector. The center is focused on text-related technology (in contrast to speech-related technology).
In order to achieve its aims, the Laboratory has signed contracts for providing services or for collaborating with some other private or state-owned institutions (institutions for research, organizations, small and middle-sized enterprises, banking institutions and other specialized institutions) from Moldova or abroad.
- research in natural language processing;
- consulting and training concerning language technology, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics
- co-operation in national and international efforts towards the standardization and evaluation of language technology
- organization of doctoral and master programs in the appropriate fields and specialities approved by the Ministry of Education.